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Youth Start-up Internship Programme 2023

Published on Tue, 20/12/2022

Looking for Internship During Semester? 

The Youth Start-up Internship Programme, co-organized by Cyberport and the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB), bridges earnest youngsters and IT companies while providing cross-industry internship opportunities for 3 to 6 months and various enrichment activities to talented young people. HYAB will provide salary subsidies (up to HK$10,500 per month) for engaging interns under the programme.

Participating Companies

Start-ups of Cyberport Community
(e.g. Digital Entertainment, FinTech, Smart Living)

Internship Positions

Cross-Discipliniary Internship Placement
(e.g. Business, Design, Technical)

Who can join?

  • Aged between 18 and 30

  • Full-time student from a local post-secondary or tertiary institution (including students of sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes)

  • Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card Holder

Why Join?

  • 3-to-6-month internship

  • Gain solid work experience

  • Engage with industry leaders and expand network across different clusters and industries

  • Explore the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and gain business exposure

  • Strengthen hard and soft skills for personal and future career development

3-to-6-month Internship 

Up to 100 Vacancies  

Apply Now
